Spring, Freedom, and Parsley!
Every year in early spring, Jews around the world celebrate Passover in a celebration of freedom from slavery. As the story goes, in...

Three Protein Myths Debunked
Protein-we need lots of it, right? Although protein has a variety of important functions, including the formation of various building...

Too Busy to Eat at Home?
You’ve probably heard that eating more meals at home can save you money and calories, but did you know there are many other benefits? ...

Three Reasons For Eating Flax!
Long before chia seeds, there was flax! Flax is grown in in the United States as well as Canada, parts of Asia, and parts of Europe. ...

Go Further With Food!
March is National Nutrition Month. This year’s theme is Go Further With Food. Going further with food means taking care of your own...

Is Low Carb Really Better For Weight Loss?
What’s the best diet for weight loss-low carb or low fat? What if I told you it doesn’t matter? Newly published research in the Journal...

The Buzz About Coffee!
If you’re like me, you go to bed thinking about the cup of coffee that awaits you in the morning! Coffee has been enjoyed around the...

What's Your Cholesterol IQ?
Are you confused by cholesterol? If so, you’re not alone. There’s quite a bit to keep track of! First, let’s define cholesterol, and...

Treating the Silent Killer
Could you be one of the millions of Americans suffering from the “silent killer” disease? High blood pressure (called hypertension) is a...

Confused About Fat? Learn Three Important Facts!
Does eating fat make you fat? How much fat should I eat? Is there really such a thing as good fats and bad fats? If you have ever...