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Will You Berry Me?

Strawberry season has finally arrived! Although you can actually buy them year round, there is nothing quite as satisfying as a field picked strawberry. Strawberry picking has always been a favorite family past-time, although I think our family ate as much or more off of the vine than we brought home to share!

From a nutritional standpoint, one serving of strawberries has more Vitamin C than an orange. In addition to the cancer fighting compound ellagic acid, strawberries are high in heart healthy nutrients fiber, potassium, and folate.

For maximum flavor, gently wash strawberries immediately before serving. Make sure to keep the hull on the strawberry intact until you are through washing. Removing the hull before washing increases water absorption from the berry and results in loss of flavor and damaged texture.

Strawberries are delicious on their own-but they also can be added to a variety of dishes and meals. Strawberries can turn boring oatmeal into a reason for getting out of bed. They also brighten up vegetable and grain salads and are a welcome addition to yogurt. Of course there are also those high calorie favorites such as strawberry shortcake. For those who would like

a little more than “just fruit” for dessert, but not quite as much as a pie or cake, try tossing some with this mint and lime dressing below. You’ll discover yet another reason to love strawberries!

1/3 cup fresh mint, chopped

1/3 cup fresh lime juice

1/3 cup honey

2 tsp lime zest

Makes 4 servings.

90 calories. 22 grams carbohydrate. 0 grams fat. 0 grams protein.

Blend all ingredients together. Drizzle a small amount over a bowl of strawberries. Enjoy!

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